Fourth time's the charm at CVS today! On a visit to the fourth CVS in one day, I found the Dawn with Olay pictured. CVS had a sale on these this week: they were $.99 each. I had 3 coupons from the 12/27 P&G. That brought the price down to $.49 each. After tax, I paid $1.70 for all 3. An average of just $.57 per bottle! The non-sale price for these at CVS is $1.99. I'm so glad I got these! They smell great!
On a-slightly-related note: I have read of couponers buying 6 copies of each week's newspaper in order to get 6 copies of each coupon. I have read about couponers buying multiple copies of coupons on e-bay (like 40 of the same coupon). I haven't found coupons on e-bay successfully. (All the ones I find seem to be groups of coupons sold in a lot with no description of exactly what is in the lot.) Three seems to the be magic number for me in regards to newspaper/coupon copies. As I seek to build a stock pile in several areas of my home, 3 seems to be the number that works well: 1 for now, 2 for later. (Or 3 for later, as is the case with the Dawn with Olay I finally found today).
I've seen a sneak peek into tomorrow's CVS sales, and I'm looking forward to heading over there before church in the morning to score some great deals!
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